The Mediterranean insideus
Tokyo Opera City Oumigakudou-hall November 2nd 2015
Contemporary music festival in Tokyo.
Hiroshima, the Elisabeth University, November 6th 2015
Rome, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Villa Lante May 25th 2016
Rody van Gemert, guitar Assi Karttunen, harpsichord Athenios son of Athenios: First Delphic Hymn to Apollo c. 128 BCE. (arr. Graham Lynch)
Matthew Whittall (1975): The Wine-dark sea IV Graham Lynch (1957): Three Aegeian Pieces Maurice Ravel (1875-1937): Five Greek Songs (arr. Graham Lynch) -interval- Juha T. Koskinen (1972): Cinq fontaines de la Fortune Harry Partch (1901-1974): Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales (arr. R.v.Gemert) 1. Olympos’ Pentatonic 2. Archytas’ Enharmonic Graham Lynch (1957): Beyond the River God (selected movements) François Couperin (1668 – 1733): Les Gondoles de Delos Paola Livorsi (1967): new work