Kauniainen, New Pavilion
The 4th October 2015
16 pm
Metsässä, majassa, mielessä – musiikkimeditaatio, Matsuo Bashon (n. 1644–) runouteen pohjaava musiikki- ja runoesitys vuonna 2013 ohjaus Pauliina Hulkko. Kiertue Helsingissä, Espoon Sellosalissa, Kauniaisten Nya Paviljogissa, Jyväskylä tanssii ja soi-festivaalilla, Kajaanin runoviikolla Ja Järvenpään kirjastossa.

“In the wood, in the hut, in the mind” is a series of meditations on music, words, and sound based around the poetry of Matsuo Basho (c.1644-1694), Japanese poet of the Edo period. In addition to Graham Lynch’s new composition, Present-Past-Future-Present, that has been written to fit in with our performances, the event includestraditional Zen Buddhist music played by shakuhachi- and hochiku flutes, seventeenth-century and contemporary musical meditations written for harpsichord, improvisations played together with the flutes and harpsichord, and poetry written by Basho.
Assi Karttunen; harpsichord
Jone Takamäki; shakuhachi- ja hochiku -flutes, percussions
Petra Frey; actor
Pauliina Hulkko; theatre director, dramaturge
Jone Takamäki; sound engineering
Couperin, Froberger, Takemitsu, Scelsi, Lynch
“The Hulkko-Karttunen-Takamäki-Frey working group`s performance is a musical meditation.
As a starting point it has meditation as perceived spatiality and as an artistic genre. Meditations have throughout the culture history been rehearsed particularly among music and poetry. The workshop is searching answers to questions like ” what could a meditation mean in the field of music and of theatre?” Beyond these questions there is a broader interest in finding out about the possibilities to create new kind of performativity (different from the traditional ones), performativity providing the member of audience with time and space to explore his own perceptions.“