Tell me, Daphne – Daphne’s story
At the Agricola-club, address: Tehtaankatu 23
Broadside ballads and fables.
The story of Daphne-nymph and the birth of a guitar
at the Aino Ackté festival, in Helsinki
Aino Ackté Festival 2015
"Lion nor tiger doth thee follow, Turn thy fair eyes and look this way."

Katja Vaahtera, soprano
Rody van Gemert, guitar
Assi Karttunen, harpsichord
Length 1 h, without interval.
Program: Byrd, Farnaby, Dowland, Lynch (premier), Deloney, Campra
Tickets: 15 e
Painting: Antonio Pollaiuolo: Apollo and Daphne (1470-80) The National Gallery, London.
Picture: the musicians of the Tell me, Daphne -concert; Rody, Katja and Assi
Torstaina 13.8. 2015 klo 19,
Tell me, Daphne - Dafnen tarina