Peer-reviewed research article The music-related gestures of la danse grotesque in Rameau’s Les Sauvages published in Trio Research Journal 2015
DMus Assi Karttunen

The music-related gestures of la danse grotesque in Rameau’s Les Sauvages Abstract
Nowadays many of us agree that a historically informed performance, HIP, is not an objectied, historical truth about the music of previous centuries. Even so, we still need to reect upon the many possibilities of how we actually embody historically informed performing in practice. In this article I will explore the music-related movements of la danse grotesque in Jean- Philippe Rameau’s composition, Les Sauvages, as a musician-researcher, harpsichordist, and a basso continuo player. The article deals with the solo harpsichord composition as well as with the version for soloists, vocal ensemble and orchestra as part of the opéraballet Les Indes galantes.
One of the key concepts in my research is the rhetorical actio. However, rhetorical actio is not only about speech or oratory. When applied to music, the tradition encompasses a range of other bodily actions not necessarily related to the act of speaking. By positioning ourselves in the dialectical space between history and the musical material, we process and modify it. As a result we gain a whole gamut of artistic possibilities. These alternatives are much more historically informed than we might think at rst, because our own, temporal position in the historical continuum is comprehended as a part of it. Keywords: baroque, la danse grotesque, embodiment, historically informed performance, musical gestures, music-related movements, performance practice, practice-based research, rhetorical actio. About the Author: Assi Karttunen DMus is a harpsichordist specialized in performing and researching Baroque music. She also performs in interdisciplinary groups with experimental and contemporary repertory. Karttunen works as a musician-researcher at DocMus, Doctoral school of the Sibelius Academy, and teaches harpsichord playing and basso continuo at the Early music faculty, Sibelius Academy. She has recorded solo albums (Alba, Divine Arts), has played in several orchestras and ensembles, and is currently working in her Elysian Fields Workshop.
TRIO 1/2016 – Artikkelit: Assi Karttunen
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All Essays
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Can one wade twice into the same Seine? A peer-reviewed research publication 2015
A peer-reviewed research Article in Trio 2016 The music-related gestures of la danse grotesque in Rameau’s Les Sauvages
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Article in British Harpsichord Society's Publication 2015
Auli Särkiö's article 2015 in Rondo Music Magazine
Elysion Fields-working group 2006–2016
Arts without Borders-conference 2016 Music Centre, abstract
Presented a recital lecture at the DiP conference in Dublin 2016
Presented a poster at The Performing Knowledge Conference, Cambridge
Gave a lecture concert at From Known to Unknown festival, Gent
A workshop at the Performance Philosophy Conference, Surrey 2013
A lecture concert in Nagoya, Aitchi University 2015
Gave a paper and a demo at CARPA conference 2011, HKI
Presented a paper 16th Nordic Musicological Congress Stockholm, Sweden
Presented a paper in LONDON SONGART FESTIVAL 2012
Presented a paper in Song, Stage and Screen VIII London 2013
Presented a paper and an experimental demo at AWB conference 2016
A peer-reviewed research article The rhetorical moaning in Trio research publication 2013
Post Doc research project 2010–2011 The Painting on a Skin
Post Doc research Project Voice, gesture, mien, and movement – the rhetorical actio in a performer´s body (DMus Järviö and DMus Karttunen)
Peer-reviewed research article on Couperin's Les Pavots in Musiikki 2016/4
Peer-reviewed article in RUUKKU 2018 The Aural Garden of sounding materials 2018
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Lecture and concert in Cremona 2018 18th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music
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Research project on Artist Pedagogy 'Groans and muffled tones – hybrid multidisciplinary realms of sounding bodies'